11 research outputs found

    Reservoir of Diverse Adaptive Learners and Stacking Fast Hoeffding Drift Detection Methods for Evolving Data Streams

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    The last decade has seen a surge of interest in adaptive learning algorithms for data stream classification, with applications ranging from predicting ozone level peaks, learning stock market indicators, to detecting computer security violations. In addition, a number of methods have been developed to detect concept drifts in these streams. Consider a scenario where we have a number of classifiers with diverse learning styles and different drift detectors. Intuitively, the current 'best' (classifier, detector) pair is application dependent and may change as a result of the stream evolution. Our research builds on this observation. We introduce the \mbox{Tornado} framework that implements a reservoir of diverse classifiers, together with a variety of drift detection algorithms. In our framework, all (classifier, detector) pairs proceed, in parallel, to construct models against the evolving data streams. At any point in time, we select the pair which currently yields the best performance. We further incorporate two novel stacking-based drift detection methods, namely the \mbox{FHDDMS} and \mbox{FHDDMS}_{add} approaches. The experimental evaluation confirms that the current 'best' (classifier, detector) pair is not only heavily dependent on the characteristics of the stream, but also that this selection evolves as the stream flows. Further, our \mbox{FHDDMS} variants detect concept drifts accurately in a timely fashion while outperforming the state-of-the-art.Comment: 42 pages, and 14 figure

    Term frequency-information content for focused crawling to predict relevant web pages.

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    With the rapid growth of the Web, finding desirable information on the Internet is a tedious and time consuming task. Focused crawlers are the golden keys to solve this issue through mining of the Web content. In this regard, a variety of methods have been devised and implemented. Many of these methods coming from information retrieval viewpoint are not biased towards more informative terms in multi-term topics (topics with more than one keyword). In this paper, by considering terms’ information contents, we propose Term Frequency-Information Content (TF-IC) method which assigns appropriate weight to each term in a multi-term topic. Through the conducted experiments, we compare our method with other methods such as Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Experimental results show that our method outperforms those two methods by retrieving more relevant pages for multi-term topics

    Augmenting concept definition in gloss vector semantic relatedness measure using Wikipedia articles

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    Semantic relatedness measures are widely used in text mining and information retrieval applications. Considering these automated measures, in this research paper we attempt to improve Gloss Vector relatedness measure for more accurate estimation of relatedness between two given concepts. Generally, this measure, by constructing concepts definitions (Glosses) from a thesaurus, tries to find the angle between the concepts’ gloss vectors for the calculation of relatedness. Nonetheless, this definition construction task is challenging as thesauruses do not provide full coverage of expressive definitions for the particularly specialized concepts. By employing Wikipedia articles and other external resources, we aim at augmenting these concepts’ definitions. Applying both definition types to the biomedical domain, using MEDLINE as corpus, UMLS as the default thesaurus, and a reference standard of 68 concept pairs manually rated for relatedness, we show exploiting available resources on the Web would have positive impact on final measurement of semantic relatedness

    Self-Supervised Contrastive BERT Fine-tuning for Fusion-based Reviewed-Item Retrieval

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    As natural language interfaces enable users to express increasingly complex natural language queries, there is a parallel explosion of user review content that can allow users to better find items such as restaurants, books, or movies that match these expressive queries. While Neural Information Retrieval (IR) methods have provided state-of-the-art results for matching queries to documents, they have not been extended to the task of Reviewed-Item Retrieval (RIR), where query-review scores must be aggregated (or fused) into item-level scores for ranking. In the absence of labeled RIR datasets, we extend Neural IR methodology to RIR by leveraging self-supervised methods for contrastive learning of BERT embeddings for both queries and reviews. Specifically, contrastive learning requires a choice of positive and negative samples, where the unique two-level structure of our item-review data combined with meta-data affords us a rich structure for the selection of these samples. For contrastive learning in a Late Fusion scenario, we investigate the use of positive review samples from the same item and/or with the same rating, selection of hard positive samples by choosing the least similar reviews from the same anchor item, and selection of hard negative samples by choosing the most similar reviews from different items. We also explore anchor sub-sampling and augmenting with meta-data. For a more end-to-end Early Fusion approach, we introduce contrastive item embedding learning to fuse reviews into single item embeddings. Experimental results show that Late Fusion contrastive learning for Neural RIR outperforms all other contrastive IR configurations, Neural IR, and sparse retrieval baselines, thus demonstrating the power of exploiting the two-level structure in Neural RIR approaches as well as the importance of preserving the nuance of individual review content via Late Fusion methods

    Improving Gloss Vector Semantic Relatedness Measure by Integrating pointwise mutual information optimizing second-order co-occurrence vectors computed from biomedical corpus and UMLS

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    Methods of semantic relatedness are essential for wide range of tasks such as information retrieval and text mining. This paper, concerned with these automated methods, attempts to improve Gloss Vector semantic relatedness measure for more reliable estimation of relatedness between two input concepts. Generally, this measure by considering frequency cut-off for big rams tries to remove low and high frequency words which usually do not end up being significant features. However, this naive cutting approach can lead to loss of valuable information. By employing point wise mutual information (PMI) as a measure of association between features, we will try to enforce the foregoing elimination step in a statistical fashion. Applying both approaches to the biomedical domain, using MEDLINE as corpus, MeSH as thesaurus, and available reference standard of 311 concept pairs manually rated for semantic relatedness, we will show that PMI for removing insignificant features is more effective approach than frequency cut-off

    Applying semantic similarity measures to enhance topic-specific web crawling

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    As the Internet grows rapidly, finding desirable information becomes a tedious and time consuming task. Topic-specific web crawlers, as utopian solutions, tackle this issue through traversing the Web and collecting information related to the topic of interest. In this regard, various methods are proposed. Nevertheless, they hardly consider desired sense of the given topic which would certainly play an important role to find relevant web pages. In this paper, we attempt to improve topic-specific web crawling by disambiguating the sense of the topic. This would avoid crawling irrelevant links interlaced with other senses of the topic. For this purpose, by considering links hypertext semantic, we employ Lin semantic similarity measure in our crawler, named LinCrawler, to distinguish topic sense-related links from the others. Moreover, we compare LinCrawler against TFCrawler which only considers frequency of terms in hypertexts. Experimental results show LinCrawler outperforms TFCrawler to collect more relevant web pages

    Gene functional similarity analysis by definition-based semantic similarity measurement of GO terms

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    The rapid growth of biomedical data annotated by Gene Ontology (GO) vocabulary demands an intelligent method of semantic similarity measurement between GO terms remarkably facilitating analysis of genes functional similarities. This paper introduces two efficient methods for measuring the semantic similarity and relatedness of GO terms. Generally, these methods by taking definitions of GO terms into consideration, address the limitations in the existing GO term similarity measurement methods. The two developed and implemented measures are, in essence, optimized and adapted versions of Gloss Vector semantic relatedness measure for semantic similarity/relatedness estimation between GO terms. After constructing optimized and similarity-adapted definition vectors (Gloss Vectors) of all the terms included in GO, the cosine of the angle between terms’ definition vectors represent the degree of similarity or relatedness for two terms. Experimental studies show that this semantic definition-based approach outperforms all existing methods in terms of the correlation with gene expression data

    Improving multi-term topics focused crawling by introducing term Frequency-Information Content (TF-IC) measure

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    By rapid growth of the Internet, finding desirable information would be a challenging and time consuming task. In order to tackle this issue, focused crawlers, as the ideal solution, through mining of the Web, help us to find web pages closely relevant to the desired information. For this purpose, a variety of methods are devised and implemented. Nonetheless, the majority of these methods do not favor more informative terms in a given multi-term topic. In this paper, we propose a new measure called Term Frequency-Information Content (TF-IC) to prioritize terms in a multi-term topic accordingly. Through conducted experiments, we compare our measure against both Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) measures applied in focused crawlers. Experimental results indicate superiority of our measure over TF-IDF and LSI for collecting more relevant web pages of both general and specialized multi-term topics. © 2013 IEEE